




Name: Thaimdas
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Physical Description: She is a gnome of average height and build. She has strawberry blonde hair and grey eyes and the pointed ears of her race. She can usually be seen in chainmail and wielding a dagger
Personality: She is rather feisty and is a survivor. She enjoys making her own way and doesn't accept help easily. She has a sharp tongue and enjoys surprising people with her quick barbs and fighting prowess.
Short Bio: She left home after her first marriage fell apart and decided to make her own way in the world one way or another. She now works as a mercenary and is deadly with a dagger, both wielding and throwing them.
Special Powers?: None

Thaimdas is bonded to Dylokoth!

For full sized image click here.

From: Rainbow Glitz Amaryllisith + Sinoro
Dam: Amaryllisith
Sire: Sinoro
Species: Iulerbrilan and Prismbeast Mutt
Name: Dylokoth
Gender: Male
Adult Size: 14' at the shoulder, 63' long, 70' wingspan
Color: Night Blue Glitz
Personality: Lazy, Quiet, Easily Distracted, Likes Sleeping, Hates Mornings, Not Interested in Mating
6 unassisted firebreath in an amazingly dark and biting blue, the depths of the ocean perhaps
5 telekinetics; color affinity, clearly their indigo flames indicate this, and they do their best work in the darkest settings
3 convert sound to light; aura creation (or perhaps 'dark field'); teleportation; telepathy
2 genrehop
1 light manipulation

Iron & Ivy Designs

Dylokoth is from Kshau Protectorate.
Thaimdas's picture is from Portrait Works.
Content ©2023 Jessica Dodge
All rights reserved.