



Name: Radelia
Full Name: Radelia Sylsalor
Pronunciation: rah - DEH - lee - ah SIHL - sah - lohr
Nickname: None
Race: Dawn Elf
Birthday: January 1st
Age: 173
Gender: Female
Class: Farmer
Deity: Annir, God of Order
Pets: None
Current Residence: Medium-Sized Farm

Height: 5'7"
Build: Average
Skin Tone: Light Tan
Eyes: Light Brown
Hair Color: Dark Auburn
Hair Length and Style: To Hips and Curly
Clothing Style: Sturdy Work Dresses

Parents: Widowed Mother
Siblings: Three Older Sisters, Two Older Brothers, Three Younger Brothers, and Two Younger Sisters
Spouse(s): None
Offspring: None
History: They were born into the middle of a very large happy family. Her education was rather spotty due to the sheer number of children, but she is literate. She grew up on her parents' farm and has learned all of the skills that go along with that such as gardening, mending, and horseback riding. She was never fond of the quieter pursuits, though, and often went with her older siblings to hunt for dinner or to drive off predators from their livestock. She often travels with her mother and father to the market to sell of any excess produce they have as well as any crafts they have made during the week. Being a middle child, she hopes to find something to stand out from her siblings and has travelled to Kyanos to hopefully find it.

Abilities/Skills: Childcare, Hunting, Horseback Riding, Mending, Archery, Gardening
Personality: She is rather stingy, having had to share everything her entire life. She wants to find something that makes her unique from the rest of her family. She is possessive. What's hers is hers. Having helped to care for her younger siblings most of her life, she is remarkably patient with children and those younger than her. She is a fairly good teacher as well even if her own education is a bit lacking. When she's not actively engaged in something, she gets distracted easily.

Iron & Ivy Designs

Radelia is a candidate at Kyanos Weyr.
Content ©2023 Jessica Dodge
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