Name: Halorna
Full Name: Halorna Shaydark
Pronunciation: hah - LOR - nah SHAY - dahrk
Nickname: Lor
Race: Human
Birthday: April 9
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Class: Mercenary
Deity: None
Pets: 1 Day Fairy Drak named Elle
Current Residence: Wanderer
Height: 6'2"
Build: Thin and Muscular
Skin Tone: Fair
Eyes: Dark Blue
Hair Color: Red
Hair Length and Style: To Shoulders and Curly
Clothing Style: Practical Pants and Shirt for Travel
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: 1 Younger Sister and 1 Older Brother
Spouse(s): None
Offspring: None
History: She was born as the middle child of her family and has always struggled with finding her place. Her village was destroyed when she was eighteen. Only she and her two siblings escaped. Since then, she has learned the sword and practices with her siblings and anyone else willing in the villages they pass through. To earn money, she and her siblings hire themselves out as mercenaries now, which is how they met the rest of their odd band of misfits.
Abilities/Skills: General Athleticism, Sword Fighting, Survival Skills
Personality: She is stubborn, determined, strong-willed, and hard-headed. She doesn't like being told what to do, and she definitely believes in going her own way. She hates being underestimated and can be brash.
Story: Halorna sat on a rock and threw another log onto the fire while her two friends slept nearby. It had been months since she had seen her siblings, and she was looking forward to seeing them again. They had always planned on meeting up at Ryslen in the hopes of finding a more permanent situation or, at the very least, establishing some contacts for further employment. In truth, though, all of them were starting to tire of their wandering life.
She pulled her furred cloak closer as the wind picked up. She hated winter, but she had to remind herself that she had been through worse. There had been a time when she didn't even have a warm cloak for the winter. Those had been cold, hard days.
She rubbed her thumb across the hilt of her sword, which was belted to her waist. She'd had no cause to use it thus far on this trip. Granted, they had been staying mostly in taverns and inns. Still, she hoped it was a good sign that this area was more peaceful than her home had been. She had been wielding a sword for five years now, and she considered herself to be fairly proficient. She thought it might be nice to not have to wield it, though.
As the sun continued to climb into the sky, she decided to wake her friends. They were only a day away from Ryslen now, and given all the excitement that place seemed to be generating, she was hoping that their supposition of a lucrative outcome would pan out.
As she moved off of her rock, she heard a small noise to her left and turned to see Elle stretching next to her forest colored friend. She smiled at her little companion. She and her siblings had received several fairy drak eggs as payment for one of their jobs a couple of years ago. They had originally planned to sell the eggs at the next large town that they reached, but the eggs had hatched unexpectedly along the way.

Her siblings had each bonded with three of the little creatures, and under normal circumstances, that would have infuriated her due to the unfairness and injustice of the matter. However, she had been so entranced with the day colored lady that she couldn't have cared less, and now, she was even grateful. While her siblings had several for which to care, she only had one, and sometimes one was plenty.
She held out her arm, and Elle immediately flapped her way over, landing gently on her forearm. "I bet you're looking forward to seeing your family as well, aren't you," she asked the fairy drak. Despite the fact that Elle might not actually be related to her siblings' fairy draks, she still considered them all family. Elle clearly agreed with her sentiment and made her way up to Halorna's shoulder.
"Don't worry, we'll reunite with them soon," she assured her little friend before moving to wake her other traveling companions. "Come on, you lazy lumps," she called loudly to rouse them. "I'd like to reach Ryslen today if at all possible." There were general sounds of grumbling as her friends began to waken. "Let's move! The clouds are gathering, and I, for one, do not want to be caught in a snowstorm. I also will not hesitate to leave you both buried in a snow drift behind me!"
There were some general sounds of protests at that, but her friends began to move more quickly as they saw the clouds as well. She turned her own attention to gather her gear and put out the fire. "Soon," she muttered to herself as she absently reached up and rubbed Elle's head.
Halorna has bonded with Auceruith Promontores!
From: Flurry 2021
Dam: Gold-trimmed White Yonchalhath
Sire: White-Blue Epalti Promontores
Breed: Asandus Old World Mutt
Name: Auceruith Promontores
Gender: Female
Adult Size: 12.75 feet at the shoulder
Color: White-Blue-Gold
Personality: Fun-loving, Energetic, Enthusiastic, Makes Lots of Friends, Likes Sleeping, Hates Loud Noises, Very Quick for Flights
Telepathic Speech
Teleportation (self): The ability to go "between" places to places they have personally been, or if they receive clear coordinates from another dragon.
Assisted Fire Breath: Can breathe fire if firestone is chewed as fuel.
Verbal Speech: The ability to speak vocally
Chameleon: color-changing
Shapeshifting: asandus-human spectrum
Notes: Bond Preferred; Their fur is multicolored on each hair, with blue tips, giving them a "border" like Yonchalhath