



Name: Kaine
Full Name: Kaine Sephiran
Pronunciation: KAEN seh - FEER - uhn
Nickname: None
Race: Human
Birthday: May 16
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Class: Mercenary
Deity: Annir, God of Change
Pets: None
Current Residence: Wanderer

Height: 6'4"
Build: Slender and Muscular
Skin Tone: Fair
Eyes: Blue Gray
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Length and Style: To Mid Back and Wavy, Usually Pulled Back
Clothing Style: Leather Armor

Parents: Deceased
Siblings: None
Spouse(s): None
Offspring: None
History: He was born out of wedlock and never knew who his father was. His mother died in childbirth, and he was left to his aunt and uncle's care. They always lamented having to care for him, especially when their own son finally arrived. After the birth of his cousin, he was treated terribly by his guardians and subsequently thrown out of their house at sixteen. Luckily, he had been expecting such from them and already had a plan in place. He joined the city guard, where he excelled in swordsmanship. However, he did not appreciate the stringent rules that came with being part of the city guard, so ,even though he had already been promoted twice by the time he was twenty, he left the city and set out to explore the world and form his own unique style of fighting. Along his journey, he has learned much and become an even better swordsman. He has also developed a penchant for gambling, which he is quite good at. He now works as a hired sword and has a reputation that makes him rather expensive to hire.

Abilities/Skills: Swordfighting, Survival, Hunting, Tracking, Gambling
Personality: He is extremely cold and does not say much. What he does say is usually blunt and uncaring of how it is received. He is dedicated to his craft and trains every day. He enjoys travelling, having no desire to ever settle and have a family. He enjoys antagonizing and needling others and taking their money, whether through work or cards. Despite being a rather selfish jerk most of the time, he does take his job very seriously, and if that means defending and protecting someone he doesn't like, then so be it.

Kaine bonded with Dornarth!


Name: Dornarth
Bonded To: Kaine
Gender: male
Species: medium-short
Color(s): half-shimmer clouded onyx
Size Class: sport
Suggested Length: 34'7"
Suggested Height: 5'4"
Clutch: 34aa
Sire: cream-spotted blue Parurth
Dame: clouded bronze gold Ledalth
Notes: triplet
telepathy: can speak mind-to-mind with other sentiant beings
teleportation (between): can travel to a different location on the same world instantly (includes time travel)
assisted fire-breath: can breath fire after digesting a phospherous-bearing rock such as firestone
telekinesis: can move objects with their mind as per the spell telekinesis


Genetic Code: Xgw+dF[a] Y[P] rr Bb cxG*|c** TR|t Ee/Ee IiKk P+P OS's-*|o2S's' A1R|ap1 u2u3 h*sh m+m
Species Rules: Pernese
Genetic Base: blue



Name: Georgina
Full Name: Georgina Hellyer
Pronunciation: johr - JEE - nah HEHL - yuhr
Nickname: None
Race: Human
Birthday: February 7
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Class: Archer
Deity: Annir, God of Change
Pets: None
Current Residence: New London

Height: 5'6"
Build: Average
Skin Tone: Pale
Eyes: Light Gray
Hair Color: Auburn Red
Hair Length and Style: To Shoulders and Full
Clothing Style: Practical Pants and Shirts for Travelling

Parents: Deceased
Siblings: Deceased
Spouse(s): None
Offspring: None
History: She was born as the third child and only daughter to a historian and his wfie. Her home was a fairly happy one even though her father was often away looking through ancient ruins for lost texts. Her mother, meanwhile, attempted to teach her ladylike skills but dispaired rather quickly when it became clear that she simply had no talent for cooking or sewing. When she was eighteen, she returned from visiting a friend, much later than she should have, only to find that her entire family had been killed, and her house was in ruins. It was not difficult for the authorities to figure out that the attack had been committed by a demon, and after that, she bent all of her energy in learning as much as she could about demons, their realm, and their god in a quest for revenge. After training for the last five years, she finally feels prepared to begin her journey. However, she logically knows that she cannot take on a demon alone, so she hired Kaine to accompany her with the money that was left to her by her parents.

Abilities/Skills: Archery (crossbow), Basic Sewing, Basic Cooking, Demon Knowledge
Personality: She is fiery, practical, and stubborn. Even though Kaine drives her batty and she threatens him with death practically every day, she constantly defends his presence in the group, since she is the one that hired him, by simply saying that he is the best. She is determined and does not allow anything to stand in her way. She is opinionated and outspoken. She absolutely hates being called Georgie.

Georgina bonded with Nonarith!


Name: Nonarith
Bonded To: Georgina
Gender: male
Species: medium-long
Color(s): shimmer winged evening
Size Class: brown
Suggested Length: 60'
Suggested Height: 9'3"
Clutch: 34n
Sire: brown Tanimototh
Dame: pale green Godalath
telepathy: can speak mind-to-mind with other sentiant beings
teleportation (between): can travel to a different location on the same world instantly (includes time travel)
assisted fire-breath: can breath fire after digesting a phospherous-bearing rock such as firestone
telekinesis: can move objects with their mind as per the spell telekinesis


Genetic Code: XgwDF[P] Y[p] Rr BB cxKB|cx T*|tB Ee/Ee iikk PP OSS|OSs AEB|A Uu h'sh MM
Species Rules: Pernese
Genetic Base: brown



Name: Aayden
Full Name: Aayden Kindel
Pronunciation: AE - dehn KIHN - dehl
Nickname: None
Race: Human
Birthday: February 17
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Class: Monk
Deity: Annir, God of Change
Pets: None
Current Residence: Temple of Annir

Height: 5'8"
Build: Thin
Skin Tone: Light
Eyes: Light Green
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Length and Style: Cropped Short and Very Curly
Clothing Style: Monk's Robe

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Spouse(s): None
Offspring: None
History: He was left at the Temple of Annir as an infant and raised by the monks there. They saw to it that he received a thorough and well-rounded education, and when he began to show signs of magical ability, they made sure to have a proper mentor for him to master his inate skills. Despite growing up rather happily in the temple, he always wanted to see other parts of the world. When Georgina and Kaine visited the temple in search of a safe respite for a couple of days, he decided to accompany them, feeling strongly that this was his chance to see more of the world as well as use his powers to help the fight against evil.

Abilities/Skills: Basic Healing Magic, Holy Magic, Martial Arts
Personality: Very little truly bothers him unless someone speaks badly of his faith. Then, he can be quite fearsome. He is a very faithful follower of Annir and takes his faith very seriously. He is patient with most people but cannot stand anyone that hurts innocents. He has a very calm nature in general and often plays peacemaker within the group. He in generally friendly, though often quiet and thoughtful.

Aayden has bonded with Caprith!


Name: Caprith
Bonded To: Aayden
Gender: male
Species: medium-length
Color(s): jelly shimmer clouded mercury
Size Class: blue
Suggested Length: 51'4"
Suggested Height: 7'11"
Clutch: 34l
Sire: platinum Skylyshaenth
Dame: emerald-silver Emberlyth
Notes: from 'Caprice' - impulsive change of mind - French
telepathy: can speak mind-to-mind with other sentiant beings
teleportation (between): can travel to a different location on the same world instantly (includes time travel)
assisted fire-breath: can breath fire after digesting a phospherous-bearing rock such as firestone
telekinesis: can move objects with their mind as per the spell telekinesis


Genetic Code: XGWdF[p] Y[P] Rr Bb cxM|cx T|tx EE/EE iiKk Pp OSs|os's as1B|a4 UU hih MM
Species Rules: Pernese
Genetic Base: blue



Name: Flora
Full Name: Flora Gaudreau
Pronunciation: FLOH - rah goh - DROH
Nickname: None
Race: Human
Birthday: May 12
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Class: Healer
Deity: Annir, God of Change
Pets: None
Current Residence: Large City

Height: 5'4"
Build: Curvy
Skin Tone: Light
Eyes: Light Green
Hair Color: Medium Brown
Hair Length and Style: To Her Hips and Rather Uneven
Clothing Style: Plain Travel Dresses

Parents: Adopted
Siblings: Unknown
Spouse(s): None
Offspring: None
History: Her parents died of illness when she was still very young, and she has no clear memories of them. So, she grew up in an orphanage of the city until she was thirteen. At that point, she was taken in by a witch who had seen her untrained powers. Her adopted mother wasn't really maternal but did care for her in her own way, making sure that she was well educated in her gifts and could protect and care for herself. She left her adopted mother's home at eighteen and found work in another city as a healer. She met Kaine, Georgina, and Aayden when Kaine was brought to her injured, and the injuries were beyond Aayden's skills. After working her magic, she volunteered to accomapny them, feeling strongly that they needed her help.

Abilities/Skills: Fighting with a Staff, Advanced Healing Magic, Cooking, Sewing, Potion Making, Plant Identification
Personality: She is cheerful and always willing to help others. She will patiently listen to the complaints of the others in the group and offer what advice she can. She seldom complains herself, though. She cannot stand inconsiderate people and has been known to lecture them. She tries her best to be kind even if it seems unwarranted. She is one of the only people that Kaine treats decently, possibly because she saved his life.

Flora has bonded with Zaharath!


Name: Zaharath
Bonded To: Flora
Gender: female
Species: medium-length
Color(s): jelly shimmer snow
Size Class: green
Suggested Length: 47'4"
Suggested Height: 7'3"
Clutch: 34g
Sire: silver-white Silvaroth
Dame: white-silver Rianth
Notes: from 'Zahara' - to shine; flower - Hebrew; Swahili
telepathy: can speak mind-to-mind with other sentiant beings
teleportation (between): can travel to a different location on the same world instantly (includes time travel)
assisted fire-breath: can breath fire after digesting a phospherous-bearing rock such as firestone
telekinesis: can move objects with their mind as per the spell telekinesis


Genetic Code: XGWdF[P] XGWdF[p] RR BB cxER|cxRK tR|t Ee/Ee IIKk Pp OSs-B|o1Ss A|A1B UU hjh MM
Species Rules: Pernese
Genetic Base: green



Name: Delano
Full Name: Delano Wolf
Pronunciation: deh - LAY - noh WULF
Nickname: Del
Race: Human
Birthday: October 5
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Class: Hunter
Deity: Annir, God of Change
Pets: Wolfhound called Wolf
Current Residence: At the Edge of a Large Forest

Height: 6'1"
Build: Broad and Muscular
Skin Tone: Tan
Eyes: Dark Gray
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length and Style: Shoulder Length and Straight
Clothing Style: Well-Worn Pants and Shirts with Bits of Leather Armor

Parents: Deceased
Siblings: 1 Older Sister
Spouse(s): Deceased
Offspring: Deceased
History: He was born as the second child to a wealthy merchant and his wife. Unfortunately for his father, he never had a head for business and enjoyed spending time outside the city walls much more. His parents made sure that he recieved the best education, but past that, they were at a bit of a loss as to what to do. This issue passed to his elder sister, though, when his parents were killed on the road by thieves while travelling. He was sixteen at the time and went to live with his sister and her husband, who was a minor lord. When he was eighteen he joined the guard for a time but always felt too confined in the role. After a couple of years, he left his sister to her growing family and began to travel, meeting and befriending various people who taught him different things. He eventually settled near a forest and built his own home on the edge of the quiet trees. Two years ago, he met his wife in those same woods, and the two fell in love quickly and married. She became pregnant, but his son arrived too early. He lost both of them in one fell swoop. Since then, he has lived in solitude, seeing himself as a protector of sorts to the forest he loves. He joined the group after offering them shelter for the night. When he heard their tale, he realized that the demon they were hunting was precisely the creature that had wreaked havoc on his woods a few weeks prior.

Abilities/Skills: Archery, Axe Wielding, Tracking, Stealth, Hunting, Survival
Personality: He is not the most social individual and is usually quiet. However, when he does speak up, it is usually to offer well thought out advice or opinions. He's rather solemn and seldom smiles. He loves children and is rather good with them. He is a great storyteller and enjoys stargazing and the stories that accompany the constellations. He loves history and has a good knowledge of it.

Del bonded with Perranth!


Name: Perranth
Bonded To: Delano
Gender: female
Species: medium-short
Color(s): emerald w/ jade
Size Class: sport
Suggested Length: 34'7"
Suggested Height: 5'4"
Clutch: 34e
Sire: brown Astlith
Dame: gold Atarikath
telepathy: can speak mind-to-mind with other sentiant beings
teleportation (between): can travel to a different location on the same world instantly (includes time travel)
assisted fire-breath: can breath fire after digesting a phospherous-bearing rock such as firestone
telekinesis: can move objects with their mind as per the spell telekinesis


Genetic Code: XGw+dF[P] Xgw+dF[p] RR Bb cxGR|c T|T Ee/EE IiKK pp o4Ss-G|oSS-K A|a UuK hH Mm+
Species Rules: Pernese
Genetic Base: green



Name: Lugano
Full Name: Lugano Rhyner
Pronunciation: loo - GAH - noh RAI - nuhr
Nickname: Lug
Race: Human
Birthday: January 7
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Class: Knight
Deity: Annir, God of Change
Pets: Mare named Lashka
Current Residence: Captial City of a Small Kingdom

Height: 5'10"
Build: Bulky
Skin Tone: Fair
Eyes: Blue Gray
Hair Color: Platinum Blonde
Hair Length and Style: Cropped Short
Clothing Style: Plate Armor

Parents: Married
Siblings: 3 Older Sisters, 2 Younger Sisters, 1 Younger Brother
Spouse(s): None
Offspring: None
History: He was born as the fourth child and first son of a large family. His father was a healer in the city, and although he tried to teach his eldest son the trade, he never had the aptitude to learn much about magic other than the basic defensive spells. When he turned thirteen, his father allowed him to go to the palace as a squire to train there. He trained hard and was eventually knighted shortly after his eighteenth birthday. He enjoys being a knight for his home but has always wanted to be part of a grander quest. So, when Georgina's group passed through the kingdom, he offered his services to accompany them.

Abilities/Skills: Swordfighting, Basic Defensive Magic, Horseback Riding, Negotiations
Personality: He's straightforward and honest but does try to be kind and tactful. He is charming and uses that to his advantage. He's not the brightest in the group in that he hates sorting through clues and misinformation. It's just not his strong suit, so he leaves that for others. He is honorable and struggles sometimes to understand how Georgina and Flora can be on this quest. He does his best to protect them, especially, which annoys Georgina to no end. Flora simply smiles and allows him to play the hero if he wants, while more subtly doing was she needs to do anyway. He loves grand tales.

Lug has bonded with Daphath!


Name: Daphath
Bonded To: Lugano
Gender: female
Species: medium-length
Color(s): jelly shimmer sunset indigo
Size Class: green
Suggested Length: 41'9"
Suggested Height: 6'5"
Clutch: 34s
Sire: bronze Suirenth
Dame: amber Maiyuth
telepathy: can speak mind-to-mind with other sentiant beings
teleportation (between): can travel to a different location on the same world instantly (includes time travel)
assisted fire-breath: can breath fire after digesting a phospherous-bearing rock such as firestone
telekinesis: can move objects with their mind as per the spell telekinesis


Genetic Code: XGwdF[p] XgwdF[P] rr Bb cxK|cbS T*|tR EE/EE IiKK pp OSs-*|OSs-K a+K|at2* UU hjh MM
Species Rules: Pernese
Genetic Base: green



Name: Beck
Full Name: Beck Roseberg
Pronunciation: BEHK - ROHS - buhrg
Nickname: None
Race: Human
Birthday: April 25
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Class: Thief
Deity: Annir, God of Change
Pets: None
Current Residence: Large City

Height: 5'7"
Build: Rail Thin
Skin Tone: Fair
Eyes: Hazel Green
Hair Color: Light Brown
Hair Length and Style: To Ears and Messy
Clothing Style: Well-worn shirts and pants

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Spouse(s): None
Offspring: None
History: He was left on the doorstep of an orphanage as an infant and raised by the harsh workers there. He managed to run away when he was ten and began to live on the streets. He became very adept at stealing and, after being covertly observed by another thief, was brought into the city's guild of thieves. With them, he has managed to scrape by fairly well and helps to look after the younger members now. Del caught him trying to steal from Lug as they were passing through the city, but instead of turning him over to the guards, he offered him a chance to redeem himself and learn some useful skills. Thinking he could easily get away from the group, he agreed, but he has yet to succeed with Del's watchful eyes upon him and now wonders if this quest might be better than the life he was living.

Abilities/Skills: Throwing and Fighting with Daggers, Stealth, Thieving
Personality: He's pretty nonchalant about most things and simply takes life one day at a time, not worrying too much about the future or the past. He's practical and has no scruples about being a thief as he sees it as a necessity. He trusts no one but he likes the others alright. He seems to love animals and is completely enamored with Del's wolfhound and Lug's horse. He appreciates those two trying to look out for him, but he still plans to return to the city and the life he is used to as soon as he can.

Beck has bonded with Vondarth!


Name: Vondarth
Bonded To: Beck
Gender: male
Species: medium-length
Color(s): shimmer winged clouded water
Size Class: blue
Suggested Length: 51'1"
Suggested Height: 7'10"
Clutch: 34a
Sire: night Kordelath
Dame: gold white Aiyanath
telepathy: can speak mind-to-mind with other sentiant beings
teleportation (between): can travel to a different location on the same world instantly (includes time travel)
assisted fire-breath: can breath fire after digesting a phospherous-bearing rock such as firestone
telekinesis: can move objects with their mind as per the spell telekinesis


Genetic Code: XGWdF[P] Y[p] rr Bb cxEK|cb TK|TR ee/EE IIKK Pp OSs|oSs as|a2 u2u h'sh MM
Species Rules: Pernese
Genetic Base: blue


Story: The group of seven entered the inn, and Lug went to the bar to make arrangements for their rooms for the night as well as supper. Even though, Georgina insisted that she had more money than she could spend in her lifetime thanks to her parents, they were all fairly practical, so, instead of attempting to get seven rooms, Lug only asked for four. He could have asked for three, but then he, Del, Beck, and Aayden would all be shoved into one room since Kaine flatly refused to share a room with anyone other than his employer, whom he was contract bound to protect. Since, Georgina just as flatly refused to share with him, he got his own room and threatened anyone that suggested otherwise when the topic came up. The rest had simply learned that it wasn't worth the argument, so four rooms it was, one for Kaine, one for Georgina and Flora, one for him and Aayden, and one for Del and Beck. He also paid to have his horse, Lashka, stabled for the night and knew that Del's wolfhound would be staying with her.

Iron & Ivy Designs
This group are currently candidates for the Memorial Clutch at Isla Weyr.
Content ©2022 Jessica Dodge
All rights reserved.