Name: Alreth
Full Name: Alreth Valqen
Pronunciation: AHL - rehth VAHL - kehn
Nickname: None
Race: Human
Birthday: May 21
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Class: Apprentice Dragonhealer
Deity: None
Pets: 1 Male Turquoise Flit named Zip and 1 Male Diamond Flit named Zem
Current Residence: Dragon Caverns of Lantessama Isle
Height: 6'3"
Build: Muscular
Skin Tone: Very Fair, Despite Much Time Outdoors
Eyes: Blue, They Almost Look Violet in Certain Lights
Hair Color: Auburn Red
Hair Length and Style: To Mid Back and Usually Pulled Back
Clothing Style: Well Made but PLain Shirts and Pants
Parents: Married, Tiger's Eye Bonded Father and Servant Mother
Siblings: 1 Deceased Twin Sister, 1 Deceased Younger Brother, 1 Older Sister, 1 Younger Brother
Spouse(s): None
Offspring: None
History: He was born as a twin, and both he and his twin sister were rather sickly. However, his siter didn't make it past a couple of days. He was nursed and coddled until his health improved. He lost one of his younger brothers to illness when he was still a child and barely remembers the other boy. He gets along fairly well with his remaining siblings, though there are always squabbles between them here and there. As the son of a dragonrider, he has always felt pressured to bond as well, particularly from his mother. His father, on the other hand, allows him to do as he wishes, knowing that he'll have to face the reality of adulthood soon enough. Because of this, he doesn't get along with his mother very well. His mother insisted on his studying dragonhealing, even though he had little interest in the subject, as a means to prepare him for bonding. Meanwhile, his father gifted him with two flit eggs to try to help him overcome his reluctance to bond. He adores Zip and Zem but still feels a bit hesitant regarding being a candidate. Still, his parents have convinced him that now is the time.
Abilities/Skills: Intelligent, Basic Dragonhealing, Fishing, Running
Personality: His good looks have led him to be rather arrogant, and although he is intelligent, he has a tendency to be lazy and becomes bored easily. Despite his heritage, he's always been a bit hesitant about bonding with a dragon, but his bonds with Zip and Zem has helped him to overcome this fear. He loves the outdoors and enjoys fishing and running along the beaches of the isle. While he likes helping the dragons of the isle with his skills, he finds the subject of dragonhealing rather boring.

Alreth has Impressed Amethyst Jotath!